Township Liaison

As many of us are only in the area for a few months of the year, we work to keep our members informed of Clark Township meetings and newsworthy issues.

Our Township Liaison committee regularly attends Clark Township meetings and reports newsworthy issues to the LCIA Board. The information is shared with our membership in our quarterly newsletter and other member communication.

Additionally, Mark Clymer, Clark Township Supervisor, is invited to and regularly attends LCIA Board Meetings, helping to assure we are informed about the latest key issues facing our community and the surrounding area.

LCIA does not take a position on any political issues. The function of our liaison committee is purely informative.

May 2024 Update

Want to stay better connected to what the Township is doing? Join the Citizens of Clark Township FB Group: Citizens of Clark Township: Cedarville and Hessel Communities.

From the Chamber of Commerce:

  • Snowsfest 2024 was a big success – especially given the poor snow and ice conditions. Snowsfest 2025 will again be the weekend Before Presidents’ Day Weekend.
  • The Chamber has donated additional playground equipment for the downtown park (between the Tipper Room and the ice Cream Shoppe). The dead trees near the Gazebo will be removed. A rock barrier separating the Tipper Room parking lot from the playground for added safety are now in place.
  • July 4th weekend fireworks will again be on July 3rd.
  • Teresa Carmichael is the new Chamber of Commerce President.

From the Township Office:

  • New hours are in effect at the Trash and Recycling Center on M-134 near Hill Island Rd:

    • Recycling Center – Clark Township (

    • Sunday:  9:00AM to 3:00PM

    • Monday: 8:00AM to 4:00PM

    • Tuesday: 10:00AM to 6:00PM

    • Wednesday and Thursday: 8:00AM to 4:00PM

    • Friday and Saturday: Closed

    • Each Clark Township parcel/property is allowed to bring up to four 33-gal trash bags per week at no charge. No limit on qualified recyclables.

      • Items not included in this program are also accepted by GFL for an additional fee.

  • Sewer Grinder and Control Box replacement begins soon and continue for two years. Owners will be contacted before their property is worked on.

  • A new Burn Ordinance went into effect over the winter. Burn-Ordinance Nov 15, 2023 (

    • You need to get a permit for non-recreational burning (like a brush pile). Permits available at the Township Office.

    • Trash burning is not permitted (and has not been allowed by State Law since 2012). It is also not permitted to burn building demolition debris.

    • You can call the Township to anonymously report violations.

  • Construction on the Peek-a-Boo Biking and Hiking Trail will be this summer!

  • The millage for LCI schools did not pass. The School Board is discussing next steps.

  • Elections for Township Officers will be in November.

The GLBBS is working to purchase the Taylor Lumber Property. Tri-County Building Centers has announced they will be closing their Cedarville location – probably after this summer.

Inspections: Given the warm winter and poor ice formation – few inspections were able to be safely done on island properties. Overall, the inspection season was uneventful with only a few issues reported back to homeowners. We hired a new inspector (Aaron Sherlund) to fill in for Larry Sherlund while he was away for the winter months. We have a new inspector lined up to cover a probable retirement next year.