LCIA Vision
Founded in 1922, the Les Cheneaux Islands Association offers all who care about the Les Cheneaux area (summer visitors, year-round residents, customers, and businesspersons alike) an opportunity to work together for the betterment of our community.
The Association pledges a comprehensive concern with all matters that effect the area harbor facilities, waste disposal, zoning, water quality, channel dredging, buoy placement (our own and those of the Coast Guard), boating safety, fish and game regulation, traffic control, fire safety, property protection, and off-season inspection of seasonal properties. These are not the concerns of any single, small, self-interested group; they are matters pertinent to all of us.
Too, the Association functions as a liaison between its members and village, township, county, state and federal government as well as the Department of Natural Resources and the Coast Guard thus offering individual members a far greater voice than they would otherwise have.
Please, therefore, remember what we are and tell a friend who might not already know. We work to benefit everyone who loves Les Cheneaux.

LCIA in Action
Navigational Aids – Our Marine Committee is responsible for the annual storage maintenance, retrieval and placement of over 125 LCIA navigational aids (buoys) that mark underwater hazards and shoals throughout the Les Cheneaux Islands waterways.
Property Inspections – LCIA inspectors provide optional inspections of members’ properties/cottages throughout the off-season; two inspections per month from September through May.
Water Quality – Our Environmental Committee monitors the lake water quality with annual scheduled water sampling/analysis and contribute to water centric efforts in the area in conjunction with the Watershed Council.
Boater Safety – LCIA sponsors two (2) summer youth and adult boating safety certification classes through the Michigan DNR. Through the generosity of the Trip Abnee Water Safety Memorial Fund and the LCCF, LCIA awards each graduate of the class with an adult PFD. We are proud of the fact that we have awarded over 1,000 PFD’s so far!
Township Liaison – Our Township Liaison provides LCIA membership representation at public township meetings and involvement in local planning and regulatory issues as needed. This information is typically reported back to members via our quarterly newsletters and social media.
Fish & Game – The LCIA Fish & Game Committee was established to keep the membership informed of the environmental impact to the health and the well-being of our native fish and animals.
Community Support – LCIA makes contributions to local intitiatives whose purpose is to make our community stronger. This has included the new Fire Truck, Kayak Launch, Cedarville Harbor and more.